Andrew Beatty (antropolog)

Andrew Beatty no samösa gere antropologi moroi ba Inggris si no irai mamalua fangosili ilmiah ba Danö Niha ba wolohi döi nifotöi D.Phil (doktor filosofi) ba Universitas Oxford, Inggris. Ifa'anö mbua wangosilinia ba Danö Niha andrö bakha ba mbuku Society and Exchange in Nias (1992) faoma buku After the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story (2015). Baero da'ö no isura ha'uga ngawua zinura bö'ö si fakhai ba Nono Niha simane Asymetric Alliance in Nias, Indonesia, Ovasa: Feasts of merit in Nias ba Longhouse lockdown. Dua fakhe wa'arania wamalua halöŵö wangosili andrö ba Sifalagö Susua ba banua si fasui i'otarai 1986 irugi 1988. Iada'a mohalöŵö ia tobali guru sebua antropologi ba Universitas Brunel ba London, Inggris.
[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]- Andrew Beatty, Society and Exchange in Nias, Clarendon Press, 1992, ISBN: 0198278659, 9780198278658.
- Andrew Beatty, A Shadow Falls: In the Heart of Java, Faber & Faber, 2009, ISBN: 0571235867, 9780571235865.
- Andrew Beatty, Asymetric Alliance in Nias, Indonesia, MAN (New Series) Vol. 25, nga'örö 250-266, 1990
- Andrew Beatty, Ovasa: Feasts of Merit in Nias, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel 147, 2/3de Afl. (1991), nga'örö 216-235.
- Andrew Beatty, Longhouse lockdown,, mufaigi me 1 Agustus 2022.