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After the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story

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After the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story
AutorAndrew Beatty (antropolog)
NegaraBritania Raya
Tuho (subyek)Antropologi
Ngawa (genre)Non-Fiksi
PenerbitCambridge University Press
ISBNISBN 9781107477407
Bolokha gu'öAfter the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story

After the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story no sambua mbuku nisura Andrew Beatty, samösa antropolog moroi ba Britania Raya. Fa'anaunia ha 372 nga'örö. Bakha ba mbuku andre itutunö Andrew fefu zi no i'owuloi götö we'asonia ba Danö Niha i'otarai 1986 irugi 1988. Heŵa'ae buku antropologis ia, no ihaogö wama'anö ya'ia hulö sambua novel ilmiah. Na tabaso ia oroma khöda lala wangera-ngera Nono Niha me föna, hewisa wamaigira wa'auri ba gulidanö, khai-khainia ba wa'alowalangi, amakhaita fatalifusöta, famalua owasa, famaigi niha ba fangowalu, ba fa'amate niha. Baero mbuku andre so ha'uga ngawua tö mbuku nisurania awö zura sadogo-dogo si tola mufaigi ba nga'örö sanandrösa khö Andrew.

Angolifa nösi

[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]
  1. The statue
  2. House key
  3. Among women
  4. Blood brothers
  5. Daggers and debutants
  6. Stormy Sunday
  7. Three things that matter
  8. The making of great men
  9. A game of chess
  10. Cholera song
  11. Progess
  12. Brothers and strangers
  13. Exile and return
  14. Field work
  15. The chicken's neck
  16. Good deaths and bad deaths
  17. First family
  18. Blessing
  19. Half an egg
  20. Waiting
  21. Death of a chief
  22. Ama Jonah at bay
  23. Unravelling
  24. The enthnographer and his double

  • Andrew Beatty, Ovasa: Feasts of merit in Nias bakha ba Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 147 (1991), nga'örö 216-235. ((Li Inggris))
  • Andrew Beatty, After the Ancestors. An Anthropologist's Story, Cambridge, 2015. ((Li Inggris))

Khai-khai baero

[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]