Ae ba nösi

East and West (buku)

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East and West no sambua mbuku nisura Chris Patten, si no irai tobali gubernur Hong Kong. Iraka mbuku andre Times Books ba New York me ndröfi 1998. Bakha ba mbuku andre ihalö wamagölö Chris sanandrösa ba gamakhaita ba gotalua oi negara si so ba nifotöi Barat ba negara si so ba Timur. So tölu faosatö nösinia ba fa'oya nga'örö 304.[1]

1. Lala wamareta (Governing)

[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]
  • Gubernur safuria (The last governor)
  • Ndröfi amatela Hong Kong (Hong kong “Fatal” Years)
  • Fanofu sanandrösa ba koloni (Colonial questions)

2. Lala wamaigi moroi ba Hong Kong (The view from Hong Kong)

[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]
  • Huhuo harimao (Tiger talk)
  • Nilai Asia (Asian values)
  • Pasar bebas (Freedom and the Market)

3. Mamaigi ba ginötö mi föna (Looking to the future)

[bulö'ö | bulö’ö kode]
  • Ulidanö si bohou - famahaö satua (New world – Old lessons)
  • Lala wangalui fa'auri (How to make money)
  • Tiongkok ba negara-negara Barat (China and the west)
  • Mangawuli ba ginötö föna (Back to the future)

Buku andre no oya tefatunö ba media-media internasional.[2][3] Ha media Tiongkok zambö manema ya'ia börö me lamane, bakha ba mbuku andrö oroma wa lö omasi Chris ba Tiongkok.[4]

  1. Patten, Christopher (1998). East and West: The Last Governor of Hong Kong on Power Freedom and the Future. New York: Times Books. ISBN 0-8129-3000-2. (Li Inggris)
  2. Bernstein, Richard (18 September 1998). "BOOKS OF THE TIMES; A Not-So-Fond Cheerio to Hong Kong". New York Times.
  3. Segal, Gerald (January 1999). "Book Review: East and West". International Affairs. 75 (1): 129–198
  4. BBC News, 'World: Asia-Pacific Patten: From 'whore' to 'Cold War warrior''.